Happy 1st Birthday Phelps-Montgomery
A year ago we coaxed a mansion across 26th Avenue, over the Rivermark Credit Union onto hundreds of Alice-in-Wonderland-sized Jenga block neatly stacked in a giant hole in the ground. The move lasted three days. Hard labor for all three of my daughters ...combined...clocked in at less than 24 hours.
Last year the weather was dry for all the workers, well-wishers, and lookey-los. This year, rain fell on new trees, sod and tenants. Last year there were trucks rumbling through the neighborhood before 7am. This year there was silence pre-dawn during morning coffee-drinking sanctuary in our bedroom. Rain dripped from the roof in the wet darkness outside.
All the cameras were gone, but I wanted to mark the milestone. I left intricately decorated chocolate and carmel cupcakes from New Seasons at everyone's doorway including one by the smiling Buddha outside Ross Island.
One more tenant to go for a full house. Draw a card. Renew the craigslist ad.